What’s Happening: January Monthly News Round-Up
What’s Happening: January Monthly News Round-Up
From the new 2022 cannabis packaging and labeling requirements to market news, state funding announcements, and new regulations, we’re rounding up the legal cannabis industry stories we’ve been reading this last month.
States Surpass $10 Billion in Tax Revenue from Legal, Adult-Use Cannabis Sales
The Marijuana Policy Project has released a new report on tax revenue generated from state-legal, adult-use cannabis since 2014 when sales began in Colorado and Washington state. As of December 2021, states reported a combined total of $10.4 billion in tax revenue from legal, adult-use cannabis sales, with more than $3 billion reported in 2021 so far. Marijuana Policy Project.
U.S. Cannabis Laws In 2022: Here’s What’s About To Change On New Year’s Day
In Montana, cannabis consumers will finally have access to retail products for adult use. Louisiana medical patients will finally have access to an array of flower products. Along with Louisiana and Montana, places like California, Colorado, and Arkansas also have a few new changes coming at the top of 2022. The Cansumer, Marijuana Packaging.
$200 million fund announced to support social equity candidates in cannabis
Gov. Kathy Hochul said she will create a $200 million public-private fund for social equity applicants looking to enter the adult-use cannabis marketplace in New York. Creating an equitable marketplace is expected to be a major focus of New York regulators. Times Union.
Cannabis sales double in Illinois
Recreational marijuana has been legal in Illinois for two years. Sales doubled in the last year. The state brought in more than 1.3 billion dollars in marijuana sales in 2021. That number was about 670 million dollars in 2020. The state spends 25% of marijuana sales tax revenue on a grant program aimed at helping communities affected by the war on drugs. Central Illinois Proud.
The Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) releases new 2022 packaging and labeling regulations
On and after January 1, 2022, usable marijuana and hemp (including “plain pre-rolls”) are no longer required to be in child-resistant packaging before leaving a Retailer; this would include an exit package. Licensees may still use child-resistant packaging for usable marijuana and hemp. OAR 845-025-7030(3) was amended to clarify that if the package or container is 1.75 inches or less in height and has a lid with a width of 2 inches or less, then the principal display panel must be on the top of the lid. This requirement is mandatory on or after July 1, 2022 for generic labels and labels subject to pre-approval. Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission.
MRA Enforcement Division to conduct investigations into packaging not in compliance with rules
Effective February 2, 2022 – (the MRA Enforcement Division) will conduct investigations when necessary for marijuana-infused edible products or packaging not in compliance with the rules. Licensees will need to correct products or packaging that are egregiously non-compliant immediately – or as soon as possible – rather than waiting until February 2, 2022. Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency.
St Vincent and the Grenadines granted permission to export medical cannabis
St Vincent and the Grenadines is the first member state of the sub-regional grouping the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), to be granted permission for the export of medicinal cannabis. The government announced that the island would export its first shipment of medicinal cannabis to Europe. The Gleaner.
More news:
- Almost Half of New York Towns Opt Out of Pot, for Now
- New York Hemp Regulations Revised as State’s Comprehensive Hemp and CBD Program Gets Underway
- Hemp Is Ready to Shine, Thanks to Plastic Bans and Carbon Caps
- Sacramento Plans to Use State Funding to Help Cannabis Businesses Navigate Licensing Process
- Cannabis board outlines purpose of $200 million marijuana equity fund
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Photo credit: Will Waldron/Times Union